Palin's Facebook Strategy
Chris Cillizza writes in The Washington Post
Since resigning as governor of Alaska in early July, Sarah Palin has used the social networking tool Facebook almost exclusively to convey her thoughts on the issues of the day to her supporters and the media.Read the whole thing here
The latest missive came late Saturday night when Palin penned a note on Facebook on the passage of President Obama's health care bill through the Senate Finance Committee.
"Facebook itself is a true testament to American ingenuity and the entrepreneurial spirit; it will remain one of many great sources through which the governor will communicate directly with Americans," said Meg Stapleton, a spokeswoman for Palin.
Several operatives who count themselves as friends of the former governor offered their own thoughts on the "why" behind Palin's attraction to the medium.
Fred Malek, a major Republican donor, suggested that for a politician with very little staff, Facebook's ease of use may well appeal to Palin. "Facebook has benefit of simplicity," he added.
John Coale, a Democratic trial attorney and personal friend of the governor's suggested three reasons for her Facebook focus: "1. No editors 2. Beats Twitter 3. She has a zillion Facebook friends."
As of press time, Palin's Facebook site had nearly 930,000 supporters and each of her posts typically draw thousands of comments on what she has written, comments that are broadly supportive of her. By way of comparison, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (R) has 82,000 Facebook supporters while former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) has 121,000.
That sort of reach coupled with the direct contact between politician and supporter that Facebook offers makes what Palin is doing potentially powerful[.]
"potentially powerful" ???
- did he actually say that ?
bwaaaa-ha ha ha ha
but good to see they're n.o.t.i.c.i.n.g just a tad
As stated in the original article ....explained one senior party strategist who was granted anonymity to speak candidly about the former governor's strategy...
Yes they are starting to notice. Good t's about time
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