Sunday, October 18, 2009

Governor Palin: Happy Alaska Day

From Governor Palin's Facebook page

In March 1867, U.S. Secretary of State William Seward negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia for two cents an acre. On October 18 of that year, authority over the territory of Alaska officially transferred to the United States when the American flag flew over Fort Sitka for the first time. Alaskans have celebrated “Alaska Day” on October 18 ever since. Though the purchase was derided at the time as “Seward’s Folly,” Seward was a visionary, and history has proven that his purchase of Alaska from Russia was never folly. Alaska has contributed greatly to the United States through our export of natural resources – from wild Alaska seafood, timber, and ore to our oil pipeline and future natural gas pipeline. Today we remember the wisdom of Secretary Seward and look forward to the hopeful future of the Last Frontier. Happy Alaska Day!

Today also marks a special occasion for my family as my eldest daughter celebrates her birthday. Happy Birthday, Bristol!

- Sarah Palin
Alaska: God's Country - Sarah Palin
Video created and filmed on location by Seth Adam Smith and posted with his courtesy.


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