Media Matters? Media Malpractice.
As previously reported, sales of Governor Palin’s soon-to-be-released memoir, Going Rogue, went through the roof as soon as the release date was announced. The book's publisher, HarperCollins, pegging that Palin's book would be a bestseller ordered a whopping 1.5 million copies for the first printing. It seems, however, that some in the media, in their effort to continue to downplay its success, would do anything to distort the book's sales.
The left-wing site Media Matters, used a marketing email from Newsmax where you can get the book for “free,” to make the following statement:
Ever wonder how so many right-wing books become "bestsellers"? This may help explain it:
Normally you have to wait until the public displays pretty strong disinterest in a book before you can pick up the hardcover for $4.97. But thanks to Richard Scaife's right-wing, you can get Sarah Palin's book for that low price -- and it hasn't even been released yet.
Just keep this in mind if the media starts breathlessly reporting Palin's strong sales numbers.
What Media Matters fails to point out, is that you can only get the book for that price - or free - if you take it along with a one-year subscription of Newsmax Magazine at a total cost of $49.95. This is clearly noted in the email Newsmax sent out:
This book retails for almost $29 — but you can get it FREE with shipping included with a one-year subscription to Newsmax magazine!
Order Below Today.
Yes, rush me a copy of Sarah Palin's Going Rogue as soon as it is available — plus Newsmax magazine's special report Sarah Palin and "The Newer Feminism" FREE — a value of more than $39 with shipping included — along with my one-year subscription to Newsmax magazine. My total cost will be just $49.95 with automatic renewal. If you are current Newsmax magazine subscriber, your subscription will be extended an additional 12 months.
While Media Matters displays an image of the Newsmax email, they conveniently fail to activate the links that take you to the Newsmax order page, where full details of those offers are available.
Somehow I doubt that anyone would spend $49 for the Newsmax subscription just to get Going Rogue for free when you can buy the book from other retailers for less. Well, unless you were really waiting for an opportunity to get Newsmax.
Media Malpractice from Media Matters.
Cross Posted C4P (h/t TommyReport for editing)
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