DNC Endorses Palin for President.
As reported, the DNC is rallying Democrats to attack Governor Palin.
According to the Democrats, Governor Palin is irrelevant, ignorant, un-qualified and not a serious contender. By attacking her, they are effectively giving her a seat at the big boys table, and empowering her even further. So why go after her?
The Democrats are beginning to realize what a disaster Obama is. The New Jersey, Virginia and NY23 races are wake up calls, which make them realize that the Obama Presidency is going to come back and bite them.
Also, now that Bush is gone they don’t have anyone to blame.
I’m beginning to believe that the Democrats actually want Governor Palin to become President. Getting Palin into the White House solves all their problems. Therefore, the effort by the DNC’s to empower Governor Palin.
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