Sarah Palin: It’s Imperative That We Exercise Our Right To Vote Today
Via Facebook
“...the right which woman needed above every other, the one indeed which would secure to her all the others, was the right of suffrage.”
Susan B. Anthony used those words to describe the cause she spent her life fighting for: the right of an American woman to cast a ballot for the candidate of her choice. Because of Susan B. Anthony’s tireless efforts and the courage and dedication of countless others, millions of American women will head to the polls today to exercise their right to vote.
When we consider the sacrifices made to give us this right, there is simply no excuse not to vote.
Today, the eyes of the nation are drawn in particular to the three big elections occurring on the east coast. New Jersey and Virginia will be electing new governors, and the 23rd Congressional District of New York will be sending a new representative to Washington D.C. The choices are clear in all three races.
In New York’s 23rd Congressional District race, Doug Hoffman represents the return of the ordinary citizen-politician who is dedicated to bringing fiscal sanity back to Washington, D.C. Doug’s message of cutting spending, lowering taxes, and ending the outrageous growth in the size and scope of the federal government has resonated throughout his district and the country. Voting for Doug Hoffman will send an important message to the powers that be: no more politics as usual.
The governor’s race in New Jersey is a referendum on the failed fiscal policies of the state’s current governor. New Jersey suffers under the highest tax burden in the nation – a burden which has caused many New Jerseyans to leave their home state for better economic prospects elsewhere. Chris Christie is dedicated to ending the reckless spending, the tax hikes, and the corruption that has plagued New Jersey for far too long. A vote for Chris Christie as the next governor of New Jersey will help to lead this great state – “The Crossroads of the Revolution” – back to prosperity.
In Virginia, Bob McDonnell’s commitment to lower taxes and fiscal responsibility make him the common sense choice in the governor’s race. If Bob’s honorable military service and track record as Virginia’s Attorney General are any indications of how he will handle the governorship, then it is safe to say that Virginians have an easy choice to make today.
Candidates like Doug Hoffman, Chris Christie, and Bob McDonnell represent common sense answers to the troubling economic questions facing our nation. They are a vote for fiscal sanity and for leaving our children an American future as bright and as promising as the one our parents left for us.
Please take time today to exercise the right that so many people fought to secure for us. In considering these east coast races, it occurred to me that Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and so many of the women who fought to give future generations the right to vote hailed from these states.
Vote today in honor of our past and with hope for our future.
- Sarah Palin
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