Sunday, November 01, 2009

Governor Palin: NJ’s Governor’s Race: Candidate Plays Loose With Facts?

Via Facebook

Despite what candidate Chris Daggett is claiming, I have never contacted him or his campaign. I have never asked him to drop out of the NJ Governor’s race. Now, if a politician is going to play loose with facts like this, the electorate
needs to know it.

So, to the good people of New Jersey, please know that Daggett’s claims are false. I’ve never even suggested he should drop out of the race. But, come to think of it…

- Sarah Palin

at C4P notes:
Mr. Daggett, while being interviewed on MSNBC this morning, claimed that Governor Palin had asked him to drop out of the race.
Josh Painter at Texas4Palin links to this article


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