Thursday, October 15, 2009

Governor Palin for President?

Via C4P From Colorado Springs Independent by Pam Zubeck

You betcha!, says a federal political action committee based in Colorado Springs.

David Kelly's home office in Briargate is a typical middle-aged guy's hideout. It has a computer, two desks, books stacked floor to ceiling and maps on the walls. But at the foot of one desk sit a couple boxes filled with buttons and bumper stickers promoting Sarah Palin as a 2012 presidential candidate.

The full-time library district worker spends up to 20 hours a week collecting money and mailing political paraphernalia as part of his federal political action committee's effort to persuade Palin to run.

The 2012 Draft Sarah Committee is the only one of its kind registered with the Federal Election Commission, but it actually represents the second effort by locals to elevate the former Alaska governor's political profile.

Adam Brickley, a former Peyton resident and political science graduate of the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, set up a blog in early 2007 to push Palin for vice president, and made the talk-show circuit after her selection in August 2008.


"She's not part of the Beltway," Kelly explains. "She's a mother who got angry one day and decided, 'I'm going to do something.' She's real. She truly is telling us from her heart what she wants to do, rather than what party officials are dictating to her.

Randy Highsmith, the committee's chairman, saw a story on the Web about the committee and volunteered to organize from Florida. He raves about Palin in an e-mail: "Palin excited me and many other conservatives due to her proven and consistent conservative stances." He notes she's pro-life, pro-business and favors oil drilling in Alaska wilderness.


"Sarah Palin is an outstanding leader," Mims says in a phone interview. "She has the values and morals to lead our country in a positive direction."

Kelly says Palin is "careful" not to communicate with his PAC, although the group's New York-based spokeswoman has met her. He adds that he's not doing this to build his own political career; in fact, Kelly has other interests, such as learning how to play bagpipes, and looks forward to cleaning up his home office and declaring "mission accomplished."

"The day she announces," he says, "our job is done."

David Kelly and daughter Shannon, looking ahead. (Debra Kelly)

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